

Develop 3D celebrates design, engineering and manufacturing technology at the one day event today. Insightful talks covered innovative technologies, including 3D printing and 5th Gen software, from manufacturers at the cutting edge, such as Infiniti Red Bull Racing, and the vehicle concept designer on Tron: Legacy. TJ’s Keith Jeffery showcased for the first time images for the launch of Ford Focus 2015 and discussed how design assets can be most effectively built for marketing needs.

The lifecycles of global product development projects are continually being cut.  We are seeing shorter development cycles than ever before in the race to launch products and gain market share ahead of the competition. Manufacturerstherefore need to maximise the use of their design assets, even completing adverts for a car launch before a car has ever left the production line. Once the product designs are complete, a manufacturer’s marketing team needs to produce advertising material and go into audience testing fast, often long before a product is deployed.

Keith examined the steps that manufacturers need to adopt in order to produce product visuals and virtualisations indistinguishable from real photography. Comparing “As Designed vs. As Manufactured” data, there are subtle differences needed to take a CAD render and turn it into a piece of virtual product

Taylor James has been working with automotive manufacturers who are leading this important process and “garaging” their design data for the purposes of marketing.  We are now seeing the same pressures that were experienced in the auto sector over the last decade spilling out into all areas of manufacturing.

To this end, Taylor James has developed a unique solution to deliver complex visuals for rapidly changing products and configurations. hydraGen™ is proving to be a real game-changer for our clients as it enables us to be more responsive to the inevitable changes that take place through their development cycles.  It also gives us the ability to produce assets of every version of a client’s product with different colours and specifications handled with maximum flexibility.

Jeffery explains “We understand what is needed from both engineering and marketing teams to maximise their ability to produce high quality marketing material across different media. With our unique process, we can meet this need with accuracy and efficiencies, creating world class digital visuals for today’s fast paced multimedia needs.”

Check out the Ford Focus 2015 visuals, and if you’d like to know more, give Keith a call on 020 7739 4488.