Seasonal Idents


Our previous Winter animation (find out how it was created below) was such a success we decided to create another in the series of logo idents for Taylor James. In keeping with all things Spring, our latest work Grass, things aren’t always what they seem… Click on the play button and watch our logo come to life!

Earlier in the year, the story unravelled as the animation begins with focus on a single ice particle, and sees its expansion as it spreads across a dark world. 3Ds Max software can struggle with such high numbers of polys or objects. To get round this problem, the ice growth used a newly tested plug-in called Multi-Scatter. It allowed us to manage and generate data polycounts in the order of billions. We were then able to achieve very detailed ice crystals that interacted with the environment light and spread across a very large space without any issues. All of the photo-real terrain was converted to VRay proxies in the order of millions of polys! This is a great method for static models. VRay proxies are very good at memory management, meaning very large polycounts can be rendered (more micro detail in the geometry), similar to the multi-scatter plug-in. VRay proxies were used instead of ‘Displacement’ (a render time method for micro detail) on static models as this made it quicker to render.

We also rendered the depth of field in camera, experimenting using this technique to increase our knowledge of its potential on an internal TJ project.

