Kia – Showrooms


The concept was to build a state of the art minimalist factory production line, which followed the sweep of a seashell, reaching a centre gallery area displaying the new Kia ‘Ceed’. Our large in-house team and expertise in CGI and photography integration won the day.

This project was brought to us with the challenge to turn around the production in 10 days. The main car was supplied from Kia’s stock library and the people were then shot around a donor car which was swapped for the master Ceed. The complete environment was our responsibility and had to be created, rendered and then all elements retouched together within the 10 day deadline.

The enviroment was built around the cars perspective, with the people and reflections balanced into the main car. The 3D lighting setup within the factory had to perfectly match existing lighting illuminating the car. All factory elements had to be built from reference drawings concepted in the first day.  We had four operators working in tandem on four different sections of the image, to speed up production and realise the very ambitious deadlines.


