
A Week In The Life Of A Taylor James Intern! | 01 Sep

Get the inside scoop on life at Taylor James London through the eyes of an intern as I take over the blog and reveal all…

It all began at 8am on an extremely drizzly Tuesday morning accompanied by a massive lack of a hood/umbrella/raincoat. Being used to Manchester, I am usually armed and ready with waterproof essentials-but I was obviously just very unlucky. I battle my way through the morning underground commute (for the first time ever- feeling very professional) and brave the rain, resulting in a drowned rat turning up at the door of Taylor James, Shoreditch.

The August Bank Holiday meant I was on the shortest internship known to man: four entire days. My mission was to boost online media presence, and due to the embarrassing amount of time spent on Facebook/Instagram/Twitter I thought it’d be a piece of cake. Turns out, promoting online presence for a real life company is actually very different to my usual life of posting funny cat photos. However, within an hour or two, a tour of the offices and a warm welcome from Laura, I got to grips with the task in hand. As consistently busy as everybody is, they all had time throughout the week to answer my questions and explain the industry to me- something which was much appreciated! After rifling through the online presence of TJ and starting to understand the company as a whole, it was 5 o’clock and the day was over!

The days that followed were far more smooth- the sun was shining and the northern line was running like clockwork! Settled at my desk in no time, I began to re-format the blog for the brand new website (which you are looking at right now-isn’t it pretty!?) and also write this very blogpost. Lunchtime in Shoreditch works very well in my favour, it’s just choosing somewhere which is the hard part. The entire surroundings of TJ, for that matter just oozes a cool, refreshing London vibe; perfect for people-watching!

In general, throughout the week I continued on my quest of creating a more human, friendly, up-to-date and interactive online face of Taylor James. This also included a visit to the new offices in Hoxton, and although still in the building site stages, I took photos of the inside and surrounding areas in order to keep followers and fans of TJ updated on our actions and whereabouts. I’m sure the photos will come in handy when we want to show off the complete transformation! Another part of my role was to create a social media marketing plan of action for the company based on my findings throughout the week, so it’s safe to say it was easy to get stuck into the way of life here even after a couple of days!

The TJ staff have given me a great insight into the industry and what I have learnt in four short days has been invaluable. I’d like to say a massive thank-you to the staff here- and good luck with the move!

All the best for the future,

Aruna x